Hao and Yazdanifard discussed the role and effectiveness of leadership while amid change. They offered that a leader’s role is to help and aid their people through change. They stated that leadership not only influences the employees in the organization but also provides a clear direction to the employees according to the organization’s vision and mission. A leader ensures trust, shapes organizational culture, encourages and continues learning, builds teamwork, communicates, and leads.
Ultimately, as organizations adapt to their environments, a leader must assist and direct the people toward the vision and mission of the organization. Leaders must place themselves in positions where their people believe and trust them to look out for their welfare and the organization’s success. Leaders have an important role in organizations, but their roles become much more significant during change.
My Thoughts:
You cannot argue with the logic presented in this paper. Well, some perhaps can, but I would offer that without trust, people will abandon the purpose and potentially cause problems during an organization’s transition or change focus. While simple and arguably apparent to some, their argument does not alter the fact that leadership is essential. People must have someone to look to during times of uncertainty, such as change.
Atkinson stated, “if there is no effective leadership in an organization, no changes will be made.” From this perspective, you should see your role and how important it is to help your organization and its people progress toward success.
I definitely recommend this article. It is an easy read that, at the very least, provides exceptional definitions of leadership and management. Although we all know these two are different, I would offer they are both needed in organizations. It would almost appear that leaders are, to a degree, required to manage the system by leading their people toward the organizational goal.