Michael Watkins presented a typical scenario where a member of the organization potentially promotes someone outside of their skill. An individual with the tactical ability to execute their tasks efficiently and effectively does not necessarily have the talent to guide groups similarly.
The skills change. Watkins identified seven changes that a new leader must adapt to efficiently and effectively lead their teams.
- Go from Specialist to Generalist
- Become an Integrator, not just an analyst
- Change from Tactician to Strategist
- Go from Bricklayer to Architect
- Problem Solver to Agenda Setter
- Warrior to Diplomat
- Supporting Cast Member to the Lead Role
In part, those who move into this new organizational role fail to see the overall construction of the organization. Their skills, albeit well developed and made them successful, can create limited views or pigeonhole their minds to focus on only what they bring to the table. They fail to see everyone’s role, most of all their own.
Just my thoughts:
Watkins provides an honest accounting of the difficulties people face moving from a specific role in a department to an overall role in an organization. Moving from manager to leader requires an individual to become a role model, mentor, and guide. You no longer have your hands in the individual bowls that make up the ingredients of success. As the leader, you are responsible for people’s overall development, who will then deliver the final results.
The skills that got you where you are may not be the requisite skills to get you to where you need to go.
If we only go off this quote, I would argue that we are all doomed to be leaders. However, this article provides a compelling argument that superior leaders can be made through development, training, and even trial and error. So ensure that first, we provide our new leaders with the support, training, and mentoring they need. Second, do not overlook those with the potential to truly be great. Lastly, ensure that you set them up with a team that will help them to succeed.
I highly recommend you read this article. He makes a number of points that will resonate and even perhaps, some of us experienced some of the growing pains he described. Perhaps we can ensure that our people do not have to go through it all alone.